Eye lid lifting operation called blepharoplasty eye lid correction is a very common plastic surgery.
Eyes are the mirrors of one’s mood, emotions and happiness.
Saggy eyelids, droopy eyelids, crow’s foot or eye bags make one look sad, tired or ill although she feels actually really fine. This has a significant influence on the willingness to live.
Pre-surgical period
You must not take aspirin or sleeping pill and avoid drinking alcohol at least for 4 days before the surgery. Aspirin and other pain killers will cause a delay in blood clotting time.
The course of the surgery
Eye lid correction is generally an outpatient treatment that does not require a stay in the hospital. It is possible to go home directly after the surgery. If your doctor thinks necessary, then you stay over a night.
Normally, local anaesthesia method is preferred for the operation; however complete anaesthesia is also possible upon request.

Eyelid correction will be performed special for you in Turkey.
In order to have symmetrical result, eyelids are completely measured.
In order to correct the droopy eyelids, a crescent shape skin is taken and extra fat tissue is removed. Later on, the wound is closed via stitches on the eyelid line so that they become invisible.
In order to correct the lower eyelids, the cut is about two millimetres below the eyelashes line. Then the extra fat and the fat causing the eye bags are removed.
Post-surgical period
After this surgical operation, your eye will swell a bit and bruises might appear. About a week later, there will be no sign of bruises or stitches.
In order to decrease swelling, you may apply humid compresses or cooling ice bags on the first days. Stitches are removed between 5 or 6 days after the surgery.
Once your eyes regain a fresh, young and lively look, you will gain a bright new enthusiasm to live. In general, the results of eyelid correction results are permanent.