Talya eye hospital uses CRS – Master, Femto second laser VisuMax and Excimer Laser Mel 80 laser devices of Carl Zeiss Meditec based in Germany.
Carl Zeiss Meditec offers three high –tech products that is in a great co-operation with one another for a refractive laser surgery along with Excimer Laser Mel 80 and CRS-Master devices. A meticulous and proper refractive correction application following pre-surgical diagnosis, personalized treatment planning and delicate flaps as well as examinations and medical checks makes it possible to have a comfortable work flow, efficient patient management and the best treatment results.
Excimer Laser Mel 80
Excimer Laser Mel 80
With Mel 80 Excimer laser device, Carl Zeiss Meditec offers a product of higher technology that is more sensitive, more individual and safer to have sight deficiency corrections. All parameters of this ultra-modern platform are focused on activity, optimum treatment results and a rapid visual treatment. Very high ablation speed, sound eye monitoring system and optional CRS-Master has a great contribution for the personal treatment planning and eye recording tortion balancing. Thanks to MEL 80 Excimer laser device, it is possible to lessen the treatment period to a great extent.
This has very important advantages, such as:
• Stroma remains open for a short period of time and thus dryness is prevented and healing period is accelerated
• Despite high ablation speed, distribution of laser increase sample thermally and optimally protects stroma
• Patients do not have to focus on stabilization light for a long period of time during the operation
Femtosekunden – Laser VisuMax (femto second laser)
Femtosekunden – Laser VisuMax (femto second laser)
New VisuMax Femto second laser system is very delicate and beyond that, it enables meticulous surgical applications. Thanks to the latest laser technology and its innovative optical design system; cornea layers can be cut in a more easy and delicate way. VisuMax system has a high laser irradiation frequency of 500 kHz enabling a shorter period of treatment time. Flap removal time is shortened up to a great extent.
VisuMax has following features:
• Laser irradiation frequency of 500 kHz
• Quick and delicate cuts from cornea layer
• Extremely modern treatment options
• Improved clinic activity
• Advanced patient comfort
In order to have a personalized treatment, CRS-Master transfers Wavefront diagnosis and corneal topography data to MEL 80 device and thus forms a truly individual treatment program. Due to that additional data about the patient is considered, a complete and individual eye profile is achieved for a laser application suitable for the patient.